Food & Nutrition

Dreamers Academy promotes healthy eating habits. We encourage students to bring a water bottle and snack (both labeled with the student’s name) to be consumed during specified snack times in the classroom. Teachers may provide a list of healthy snack ideas to parents. Breakfast and lunch will be provided by the Sarasota County School District. Dreamers Academy is designated a Title I school, therefore, free and reduced lunch is available.

* Click here to apply for free and reduced lunch.

To pay for school lunch, My School Bucks is a convenient online service that allows you to securely pay for your student’s meals online using your credit/debit card. You can do the following: Set up automatic recurring payments, track and review meal history, create low balance alerts, and make payments with the mobile app.

Click on to apply.


Families, please remember that students are only permitted to bring water to school. Juices or energy drinks are not allowed. There is a correlation between foods with high sugar content and difficulties sustaining attention, cognitive abilities, deficits in memory, and self control. We want our students to come to school with their brains and bodies ready to learn! Thank you for your support. Article Here.

On a different note, please understand that teachers are not authorized to host student’s birthday parties on campus. That means no cupcakes, candy or cakes to school. You should plan to host your child’s birthday parties elsewhere.

School menu for breakfast and lunch are available at Nutrislice | Sarasota County Schools.