Literacy and academic fluency in both English and Spanish are at the core of Dreamers Academy’s curriculum and instruction philosophy.
Reading and writing are our school’s priorities, implemented through a rigorous curriculum by highly effective and well-trained teachers. Dreamers Academy Dual Language Literacy Curriculum serves as the platform to master the Florida B.E.S.T. Standards across all content areas by being grounded in cultural competence and by promoting critical thinking and metacognitive strategies.
Dreamers Academy believes that the arts are a critical part of becoming a well-rounded student, therefore, your child’s education is infused with:
- Art
- Music
- Physical Education
- Digital Literacy/Technology

Dreamers Academy Literacy Curriculum is intentional and deliberate in providing a predictable structure for both our English-dominant students and our Spanish-dominant students.
Our Literacy Curriculum is intended to support the writing curriculum, thus producing parallel Units of Study, whenever possible. The main genres for writing at Dreamers Academy include:
- Narrative
- Informative
- Opinion/Persuasive
However, other genre-based units will be utilized to support foundational content in all grade levels. Writing is emphasized as the process to integrate concepts and thinking on paper.
Students are expected to process information in order to write throughout all content areas. Most importantly, the expectation of comparing two pieces of text (reading, writing and thinking) prepare our students for the writing portion of the ELA state reading assessment.
During their 60-minute math block, Dreamers Academy students in grades K through 5 will acquire Math standards through specific emphasis on the Eight (8) Mathematical Practices from National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM).
Hands-on manipulatives, partner/team collaboration and clear success criteria supports the acquisition of the Florida State Standards and are prevalent throughout the math blocks.
The Math Club (30 minutes a day) specifically targets standard-aligned math problems that through repetition show students how to mentally work through more difficult mathematical tasks.
Dreamers Academy students in grades K through 3 learn the Science and Social Studies standards through their integrated reading and math blocks.
In grades 4 and 5, students continue to have their Social Studies standards integrated into their reading and math blocks, while the Science standards is instructed during a formal Science Block.
Science instruction includes hands-on labs, field trips, and problem-based learning to ensure that students can engage in relevant application of the standards.